He’s three weeks old as of yesterday. I’ve learned the following with regards to video games:
All-Pro Football 2k8 is a thumbs up. Nothing horribly loud or startling about it. Routinely sleeps on my chest while we play.
Gears of War is alright when he’s being held by Mommy.
Bioshock makes him very fussy. Lots of screaming, screeching, and Generally Bad Things.
On that note, I’m in love with Bioshock. Just a fantastic game. The atmosphere is unlike any other game I’ve played, and the HDTV and the surround sound certainly add to everything. Just creepy hearing a Splicer come at me from behind a split second before I rotate and blow ’em away with the shotgun.
And on a tangent, SecuROM is NOT A FUCKING ROOTKIT. Get it straight, you idiots. 2K’s FAQ has all the information you need to shut the hell up and just enjoy what is a complete and total masterpiece.
Even if I won’t play it while the boy’s awake.
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