[Adam] 1/29/200 9:41 AM I received the attachment from Xanthus.
Looking at it either this evening or tomorrow.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:41 AM Yes it is very difficult to alter the macro
since we need one of the accounts open to be
able to run the macros. I can promise you it
has nothing to do with a lack of willingness
to cooperate. As i said before, We are
currently having a major issue with Mythic and
are having a meeting with our lawyers this
morning to initiate the Lawsuit
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:42 AM Sorry, didn't mean to imply a lack of
cooperation. I wish you the best of luck with
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:42 AM it wont make much sense to you now, but if you
could unlock two of the accounts and watch us
i could show you that it works. I promise it
is no kind of packet sniffing thing or
anything like that. We honestly dont have
that capability here.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:44 AM Hehe. It is a complicated legal issue but one
we think needs to be addressed finally.
Verant and Mythic have had their way simply
cause there has not been anyone big enough to
even try to fight back. We have actually
gotten about 15 other sellers that have
contributed money, so now we have a sizable
legal fund. We are quite optimistic.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:44 AM Did wes send you any instructions on how to
setup the character for the macro?
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:44 AM Trying to get the two accounts with the
characters you have for sale freedup. I will
speak with the operations manager tomorrow to
get the accounts freed to test with.
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:44 AM Not really.
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:45 AM You requested the macro we used to level the
characters. The macro is based off pixel
scanning and needs to be modified on a
computer basis. [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:45 AM is what was sent with the attachment.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:45 AM hmmm, Wes is the youngest of us (19) and he
quite difficult, borderline genious i think,
lol. I will do the instructions myself today
and forward them to you.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:46 AM hehe sorry about that. He is very good at
writing the macros and he takes a whole lot
more pride in them then he needs to. For the
rest of us this is business. For him its like
art or something. You programmers.....wierdos
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:47 AM Much appreciated. ALso, if you would be
willing to share your credit advantage, or
Item Advantage, or no-drop trade advantage...
WOuld be greatly appreciated. ;-) How goes
the documentation on those business proposals
for your fututre web projects?
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:47 AM But i am getting the sense that we might
disappoint you guys that it is just system
design flaws that we use. Will that take away
from our desireability if we cannot hack the
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:48 AM LOL, aye programmers are an interesting breed.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:48 AM The business proposals could be done in a day.
But i think we have to wait until we are done
with the opening shot at mythic, lot going on
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:49 AM he is very upset that we are giving you the
information, but i explained to him, at the
size of business we are now, its just to hard
to operate a legitimate business, much less do
it covertly, so if you guys dont want us to do
it, it aint worth fighting. :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:49 AM So they are actually trying to enfore their no
resale clause?
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:50 AM If we turn over all the exploits, would it be
possible to keep all the accounts with all the
items on it, with the promise that no further
exploiting would be done?
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:51 AM yes, selectively of course. They dont like
the size that we have become. They have been
utilizing the VERO program from ebay and
cancelling all auctions on ebay that are
selling anything other than an account.
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:52 AM I could allow you to transfer the items off
the powerleveld characters but those
characters would have to be destroyed. THe
operations manager stated that we could give
you all of the accounts depending upon what we
caould get out of you. (Damn I'm too straight
forward) ;-)
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:55 AM i like straightforward. As a matter of fact,
there is so much going on in our business
right now, that we really need to be
Here are the exploits that we currently have.
No drop Trade. A flaw in the system. No
Speedhack. Hacking exploit, i am sure you are
familiar with this.
Item Dupe. Actual software or hardware
problem, not sure of which.
Credit Exploit. Can obtain items for free
which can be sold. You guys think you have
fixed this one but you didnt....We think.
[Adam] 1/29/200 9:56 AM Ahh so they aren't directly persuing you, just
indirectly slitting your throat... Man you
gatta love those tactics. Let me know how
things go, that is unless you get a cort order
stating that you cant disclose details.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:57 AM We are willing to be completely cooperative in
this and all future exploits if we are allowed
to keep what we currently have and sell those
items with the promise that no more exploiting
would be done in the future. We are very
close to finishing our other projects so would
be willing to leave this market entirely
within the next 2-3 months.
[Lee] 1/29/200 9:58 AM Oh no, we already agreed. This is more of a
public service type of lawsuit. We want this
vaporware issue determined once and for all.
jWe will not settle out of court, unless it is
for millions of course. hhehehe so if there is
no final decision, then you know we are rich,
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:00 AM Can you agree that the rapid leveld
character's need to be wiped?
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:01 AM One of the big things we were about to do, is
utilize our www.[deleted].com website and open
[deleted] trading in all the games to allow
people to trade their property in other games
like daoc and uo and eq for stuff in AO. This
would have brought a ton of people into ao. I
think you guys should really consider letting
us do that :) In that way we make money
because we get items in other games to sell.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:03 AM Yes absolutely, you can wipe them and we wont
build any more accounts for sale if you
prefer. Although you might want to let us do
it to offer in trade for other game accounts.
Gets the people from the other games to yours.
We would of course be willing, although i
doubt you guys would want anything in writing,
a full confidentiality agreement on this
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:03 AM When we worked in UO, that [deleted] service was
huge money for us, you would be surprised how
popular it is to not lose the stuff you built
in one game or one server and move it to the
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:04 AM Na, you can still build to sale as far as I am
concerned. We don't even bother to check up
on that sort of thing.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:06 AM I didn't think the characters
([names deleted]) were
being made for resale.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:06 AM Awesome. Well by the end of today i will
forward you instructions, but please
understand it is very difficult to write the
instructions, since the windows have to be in
the correct position down to the very pixel.
Wes did say that he wrote the macro a
subroutine to move the inventory window to the
right pixel for you, so that should help.
Again, will this disappoint you guys...if we
cant hack the client?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:06 AM Just the ones on the [deleted] and [deleted]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:07 AM Hadn't planned on doing anything to the
[deleted] or [deleted] accounts. Other than
temporarily freeze them for two weeks starting
on the 24th.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:07 AM yes, the other chars you mentioned there are
for our use, storage and such. I started
leveling them up so that they could use the
planes. I just took them to level 25 in most
cases. Cause that was all we needed to be
able to fly the planes.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:09 AM Ok, well dont do any wiping if you could till
we come to an agreement. Like I said, we will
turn over everything to funcom if you give us
a break for two months. Then you can wipe all
accounts because we will be out of the
business by that point. BTW dont do anything
to the [deleted] Account. That account was sold
along time ago, we just paid for the 6 month
premium, but that account is actually owned by
someone else.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:09 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:09 AM I am sure you can tell that by the ip. And i
can show you the auction info if you like :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:10 AM not to worry we wont touch that account.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:10 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:10 AM Thanks for that :)
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:11 AM Would it be possible for me to fly over and
meet you guys and turn over the information on
the Exploits. I would love to meet you guys
face to face. I have a million questions for
you guys, from the business end of things.
You have no idea how hard it has been building
a business with pure guesswork.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:12 AM Or would i be hated as a person who has tried
to take advantage of the system?>
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:12 AM NP. and we wont be disappointed if you
weren't hacking the client. I think we will
be more impressed with this tool than you'd
think. From what you've said. THis is simply
an design oversight on our part.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:12 AM I can speak with [deleted]to see if he would be
willing to meet wth you.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:13 AM Excellent. Wes was thinking you guys would
not think our information that valuable.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:13 AM Naw we don't hate anyone.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:13 AM Awesome, please do that. We could fly over
this week i am sure if your schedules permit.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:13 AM Will have to wait until tomorrow to answer
that one.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:13 AM Also excellent.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:15 AM What would be nice would be documentation on
those Advantages. THink you could get those
for me? WIth that and a working demo of your
macro tool. I am certain I can get [deleted] to
free those accounts for you. Technically I
could do it, and remove the logs of t.. But I
like my job, so it is by the book.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:15 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:16 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:16 AM Well, are you giving me some assurance that
our accounts would be returned to us as they
were? No sense in giving you something for
nothing. it is a business remember :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:17 AM What combinations are giving the wacked out
exp, or is it similar to the tool players are
using to get the mouse to issue rappid clicks
to purchase ammo stacks?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:17 AM Too true.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:17 AM yes :) like i said, legitimate. Just that we
found a tool to do it so fast, that you will
see 3 xp number popping over your head at the
same time. we have been doing this since
august, but macro express just came out with a
new program feature that allowed us to
recognize the pixel colors at a specific
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:19 AM Like I said, 15 of those accounts will be
returned either way by the 7th of Feb. Just
the fate of those other 5. ANd or a speedier
return that the two week freeze. I was able
to get you that much and the freeing of your
subnet, based upon good will.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:19 AM There are several combinations that will give
you 625 xp even at a low np skill. and i cant
remember straight off the top of my head but
if you could free the.....i think it is the
snat account i can tell you exactly. That is
the character that holds our implant stacks.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:20 AM hmmmm..... i will have to talk it over with my
partners. i see that you have searched those
5 accounts. That would be the bulk of our
money making :(
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:21 AM [deleted]
These are slated for return on the 7th...
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:22 AM as they were before you suspended them?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:22 AM [deleted]
These had the rapid leveld characters that
were detected.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:23 AM Yup those first 15 will be returned without
any changes. I been trying to keep what is
on those characters hush hush. So that I can
get them back to you without any difficulties.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:23 AM ahhh, i see. If that is the case we have a
deal my friend. But with one last request. I
want to meet you guys in person to turn over
the remaining exploits.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:24 AM THose last five, will have to have the rapid
leveled character removed.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:24 AM thank you for that adam. I appreciate all the
help you have given us.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:25 AM That is understandable. and agreed. I have
to rebuild the [deleted] and [deleted] accounts
for customers. Could you tell me how many
levels per hour will remain under the radar?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:25 AM Currently the last five are not to be
released, but [deleted] (operations Manager)
stated that we could return those as well if
you can help us resolve some of out bug
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:25 AM from level 1 to 50 i can go in less than 12
minutes, it averages out to about 10 seconds
per level.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:26 AM The [deleted] and [deleted] accounts could be
returned earlier that the 7th of Feb depending
upon the usefullness of the Advantage data.
(I should put you directly in touch with
[deleted], it will be his call)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:27 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:27 AM Not only can i tell you about them, i can tell
you how i would fix the overall system aspects
that cause those flaws to be manipulated. At
least how we THINK they could best be fixed.
We always try to figure that out immediately
because that helps us figure out where the
next flaw would be if you didnt fix it
properly. Every single exploit we have now
are successors to an already fixed exploit.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:28 AM DAMNNNNNNN!!!! I really messed up. Trust me
Adam. That was not a normal mistake for me.
I am usually very smart about utilizing the
advantages. I really messed up on that one.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:28 AM Yup, I agree. As a whole FUncom often falls
short of seeing the big picture.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:28 AM Aye.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:30 AM How many levels do you need these characters
to make?
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:30 AM Hehehehe. Trust me, i am seriously impressed
with the game, and am trully amazed at how
complex the system actually is, it dwarfs both
UO and DAOC in depth. You guys should tout
that alot more. So many customers are so
bored with DAOC because you are on a railroad
track from the time you start that game. You
only have one way to go. With AO you have so
many options, especially with the IP system.
I wish i could advertise for you guys,
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:30 AM We only sell level 100 characters. Never
higher. Otherwise the customers dont have any
fun leveling themselves :) [deleted] just got
to 103 because we werent watching and the
macro went right past 100, lol
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:32 AM K [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:33 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:33 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:35 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:35 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:36 AM Far too many variables for what is checked.
THe other thing is just plain dumb luck and
human error. These reports have to be
reviewed by a human before a decission can be
made to ban an account.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:37 AM If someone is too busy to review the data, you
slide right on by.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:37 AM hehe i would have loved to see how logs are
kept. with that we could have gotten away
with it forever :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:37 AM Essentaly, you have to look like a player who
is damn good and never sleeps.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:38 AM Hell you can still get away with it now. THat
is until I start monitoring locations when
leveling.. Mwahaha.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:39 AM The first round for that tool is in testing
now. Comes in handy to find monster spawns
that are being exploited.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:41 AM hehe your the guy we have been afraid of in
every game. You would be surprised how much
we have gotten away with in every game we have
worked on. Macroing being by far a greater
advantage over other players than any exploit
we ever used. Your the only one to have
caught us :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:45 AM That's ok I've far too many tools to write to
be able to actually catch half the number of
exploits I'd like to catch.
I'm sadistic, I wanted soft experience caps
put in. ANd a hard cap on the QL of items one
could equip over their level. But an even
more sadistic chap than myself came up with an
even more evil means of deturing
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:46 AM Oh wait a minute.......if i give you the no
drop trade, will we be prohibited from doing
that? That would take away about 100k of
sales from us over the next two months :(
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:46 AM hehe what is that?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:46 AM I doubt we would be able to get it fixe dover
the next two months.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:47 AM Sorry cant share that one, you'll see when it
is released.. THe cries of NERPH will be
heard round the world.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:47 AM lol, i already heard a rumor, a customer told
me two days something big was coming. you
guys have a leak somewhere :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:47 AM And as for prohibiting you from doing the no
drop trade. WOnt matter if we cant log it.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:48 AM ummm but once i tell you it is a pretty easy
fix i think :(
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:48 AM We've got some intentional leaks and some non
intentional leaks.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:48 AM however, i doubt many people know about it, it
is such a weird bug, We discovered this one on
our own and completely by accident.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:49 AM Now, now... Don't tease.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:49 AM Ahhhhhhh. Your business is far more
complicated than i originally thought, lol.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:50 AM Marketing involves some nasty practices.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:51 AM Come now do tell the no-drop Advantage. THen
again, the coders might have addressed it with
13.6. I doubt it but I can always hope.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:51 AM So is the 7th of Feb too late to deliver the
[deleted] and [deleted] accounts?
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:52 AM As for easy fixes, nothing in ths system is
ever an easy fix.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:53 AM ok fuck it. we will see how well we will
cooperate. But just a friendly threat here :)
if you screw me i will make life very
miserable for Funcom.
[deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:53 AM Of that I am certain.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:53 AM Well yes, Nov 7th is fine, i will tell the
customers i will do some tokens for them.
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:54 AM Ahh, yeah we've had some interesting requests
from players involving some of the older bags.
I think this will be adrressed in 13.6
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:54 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:55 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:56 AM ROFLMAO
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:56 AM :( that would be unfortunate indeed. We were
just about to tell our current customers that
we could sell tokens and planes again. This
would have been a big boon to our finances.
We would not have put anything up on ebay,
cause then you guys would have customer
compaints and would have started looking.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:56 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:57 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:58 AM K [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:58 AM I will double check on the status of that fix
and let you know what, if anything is being
done in 13.6
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:58 AM Sorry, I find this so humerous.
[Lee] 1/29/200 10:59 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 10:59 AM AFK, I wont mention this just yet.. I'll
just see what is being done.
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:00 AM Could you please get tell me when that will be
fixed, we will try to sell to our customers
[Adam] 1/29/200 11:00 AM Damn honest. And I want to keep this under my
hat for a bit.... I want to see what they are
going to do about these items.
[Adam] 1/29/200 11:01 AM Will do. Still ROFLMAO.
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:01 AM did you guys know about the unwear issue?
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:01 AM hehe we are full of jokes like that i guess,
[Adam] 1/29/200 11:02 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/29/200 11:02 AM AFK I need to let my Norwegian instructor into
the building... Then class. WIll be bach in
about an hour and 15 min.
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:03 AM yes exactly. Also a dupe issue there, but we
will leave that for future bargaining :)
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:03 AM Okies.
[Adam] 1/29/200 11:04 AM That unequip into bag, is addressed in 13.6..
I know for a fact. Although I am certain it
might introduce new issues... Also applied to
unequiping a Yalmaha, bypasses the unequip
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:05 AM yep, whole bunch of issues there. We are
certain that you will introduce another dupe
issue when you fix it. We are fairly certain
of that in any case, but we will tell you
afterwards :)
[Lee] 1/29/200 11:17 AM ok two things, i need the [deleted] account
immediately please. Also i need permission to
purchase and open 1-200 accounts. I dont want
to purchase them and have you ban us :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 12:31 PM Looks like the no QL backpack fix also
addresses the trade issue. But will no doubt
result in a new trade issue. As for the
accounts, so long as you don't do anything
with them that is noticed or seen as an
exploit then there shouldn't be a problem.
[Lee] 1/29/200 12:43 PM ok so can we access them now? especially the
[deleted] account. we need that one asap, all
others can wait until febryaury 7th. But we
need [deleted] immediately please :)
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:13 PM How long do you need access for?
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:38 PM Lee, dude you've got to be kidding me...
That's what 5 maybe 6K tokens?
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:39 PM My havn't you guys been busy.
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:39 PM Now there aint no way you can say that is
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:42 PM So what is the market value on those tokens...
And what's up with the Symbio-Graft Armor
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:43 PM I'd also love to know what the NoName item was
that you had stashed in the bank.
[Adam] 1/29/200 2:45 PM Going home for the evening. I'll chat with
you about the characters tomorrow.
[Lee] 1/29/200 5:19 PM hehehe, the market value on the tokens alone
are well over 100k in US Dollars. I am not
kidding man. Talk to me when you are back.
You can always call us at 714-XXX-XXXX. we
also have a toll free number of 888-XXX-XXXX.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:41 AM Not sure which coast your on in the US.... So,
just figured I'd drop you a line. I will be
speaking with [deleted] this morning, I will
suggest that you and he speak concerning the
banned accounts.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:42 AM ok, so what is your take, has it changed?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:44 AM A bit, really more of an issue of what the
exploit leads take was when she saw the
tokens. I requested that we free that
account. (and I didn't even want to look at
it, ignorence is bliss), however, prior to
freeing an account a standard practice is to
walk through the inventory. Needless to say,
she about had a kaniption fit...
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:45 AM If I'm not mistaken she is taking a fine tooth
comb to the other accounts including the 6
that were not banned.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:45 AM so pretty much we are going to get screwed?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:46 AM great, that makes my day.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:46 AM That is why I want to hand this to [deleted], he
has veto over the Exploit lead.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:46 AM Man, I had no idea that those accounts were
that far exploited.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:46 AM :(
oh well, at least the legal situation against
mythic and verant is going well :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:46 AM I told you I didn't want to look at em.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:47 AM Are they all as bad as [deleted]?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:47 AM wish we could have made some type of deal
prior to this happening. You have no idea how
much we are losing when those accounts go
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:48 AM Far worse. You honestly have no idea. This
is really going to go down a bad road from
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:48 AM SO what is the deal with the symbio grafts...
how much XP do youget from hacking them?
Understandable, which is why I am trying to
get this issue bumped up, [deleted] is a good
bit more forgiving that the exploit lead.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:49 AM SHe is a monster, talk about by the book.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:49 AM [deleted] is willing to do more of a give and
take approach.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:50 AM the grafts are exactly like the implants, no
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:50 AM BUt I think if the other accounts are worse
for dupped items your going to have a hard
time. Initially those other 15 accounts were
closed as a guilty by association clause,
until we could look into the issue. I figured
they had some exploited items but no where
near the extent that [deleted] had.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:51 AM Well was hoping me and you could have made a
better deal, for both of us, but ce la vie
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:51 AM At this point things are pretty much out of my
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:51 AM well we are not unorganized. we dont do
things half ass, thats why we earn 60,000.00 a
month doing this.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:52 AM THe exploit lead and I are within differnt
branches, so I can't just tell her to look the
other way. Henning however can.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:52 AM yeah i figured as much.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:52 AM I'm still trying to spin this for you guys.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:53 AM What's the deal with the noname item?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:54 AM yes but i dont think that will happen. We
should have cleared the accounts, but we
figured it would be worked out in a win win
situation. But its not a big deal. We dont
risk this kind of income without security.
Just that you make alot of work for us over
the next few weeks :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:54 AM Alright so, are there any of those accounts
that we could even consider releasing?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:54 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:54 AM I was really trying to help you out as much as
I possibly could.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:55 AM Your telling me.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:55 AM I understand. Nah, dont bother. at this
point i am tired of even worry9ing about it.
Will just proceed along other plans.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:56 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:56 AM Alright, just a heads up. The exploit lead
(man I'm tired of writing that) will be
monitoring your accounts. I would suggest
using a diff credit card, and new accounts.
And keeping a low profile.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:57 AM Yup, I agree about the apartments... Your
preaching to the chior here, the game has a
ton of issues.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:57 AM well just to let you know, i feel like we just
got royally fucked on our agreement. I tell
you two of the exploits and then all of a
sudden our accounts wont be released. I am
not real happy at this point.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:58 AM and its going to have a few more.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:58 AM Not too sure how effective slowing things down
will be but, if you don't she is gunna go ban
happy. We have to pry her finger off the ban
button at times.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:58 AM Good luck Adam. You should still tell me the
USMC/AF story sometime, maybe we will meet up
in real life.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:59 AM I wouldn't call it quites just yet, but I
agree.... that things went south fast.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:59 AM LOL. I give her plenty of reasons to ban us.
Way more than she will ever be able to
handle. Way more.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:59 AM You have a few min?
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:00 AM Well, with that.... Damn man, this is gunna
cost me a shit load of overtime... grumble
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:00 AM sure, but just keep in mind i am like a
cornered dog right now. with mythic and now
funcom screwing with us, i dont feel real
friendly right now.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:00 AM Understandable.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:01 AM Once [deleted] gets out of his morning meeting,
I'll speak with him.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:02 AM ok, thanks for trying. But i dont expect
much. I kinda know how the execs think by
now, been doing this two years now.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:04 AM I wish could do more for you than the mess
that this is becoming.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:05 AM Was considering freeing up an account or two
for a few... But thought better of it. If
we'd of just waited the two weeks, she never
would have checked.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:05 AM np, i should have just kept my mouth shut and
moved on. Just thought we could work
together. Make the game better overall.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:05 AM I'm in the wrong line of work.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:06 AM Agreed.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:06 AM If anything positive comes out of talking with
Henning I'll let you know.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:08 AM Mind if I keep in touch with you?
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:08 AM only if you contact me outside of work. I no
longer want to deal in any type of official
capacity with you.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:09 AM Sounds good to me. (although that had a bit of
a sting to it)
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:09 AM be happy to talk to you by phone or in person,
but as far as funcom is concerned i dont want
to deal with them through you if you know what
i mean
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:09 AM I take it you feel that I screwed you over
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:09 AM well i understand where you come from, and i
think you understand where i come from.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:09 AM Trust me it wasn't personal.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:10 AM nah, i think you were pretty honest. I think
funcom screwed me.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:10 AM I really wanted to work this out better
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:10 AM if i didnt think you were honest, i wouldnt
have given you the two exploits that i did.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:10 AM Anywy, I'm gunna try to get this smooted over
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:11 AM call me sometime when your home, you can tell
me the long story of how a jarhead got his
head stuck in the clouds. :) Good night.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:11 AM Just the kinda person I am. I gave you my
word and I'll stick to it until there aint no
more stick left.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:11 AM Will do, good luck.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:03 PM Please insure that we get the proper credit to
our credit card for the accounts that get
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:03 PM Most assuredly.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:03 PM Sorry for the hassle.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:04 PM I would still like to fly over and make a
business cooperation pitch for our
[deleted].com site. This would mean
significantly increased subscribers for you.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:06 PM THat sounds like a good idea. I will speak
with [deleted] again, first thing tomorrow
morning. I can get you some contact
information so that you can speak with him
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:06 PM Excellent. Thanks. Could you tell me if
something would be possible program wise?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:07 PM Sure, shoot.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:08 PM In Starcraft. there is a League called the
KBK that provides league play with actual cash
prizes and it eventually leads to the world
tourney each year. Startcraft has worked a
deal with them to place a KBK logo next to
your character name in Starcraft. If we had a
good business plan, is something like that
programming wise feasible for Anarchy online?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:09 PM In starcraft it is like a badge of honor if
you have it, so to speak. it is preferential
to have it indeed
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:09 PM So that it is displayed for view if overhead
names is selected? Yes that is possible, just
currently not within hte codeset.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:11 PM ok. We anticipate offering cash prizes each
month of at least $5000.00 and upwards if we
get additional sponsorship which a few have
already said they would give prizes, microsoft
for one has already agreed,
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:11 PM Awsome, sounds like your onto a seriuos money
making business model.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:12 PM The CPL in Counterstrike currently has a 150k
prize for its annual tourney. and there is
no one doing anything like this for mmorpgs.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:12 PM hhehehe until you we already had a serious
business model, roflmao
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:12 PM Man don't rubb it in.. I already feel bad
enough about that.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:13 PM but honestly, we have been using all the money
we have been making to finance two major
business plans. WE were going to go to
Everquest first, but we think funcom might be
a better first shot.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:13 PM if i can get over it you can, lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:13 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:14 PM I'm still trying to figure out how you managed
to stack items that aren't supposed to be able
to stack.... Oh well, it gives my analytical
side something to chew on for a while.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:14 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] Will you send
me a list of what
accounts will be banned, and which will be
free on the 7th of february?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:15 PM Man you havent figured that out yet? lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:15 PM Yeah, I can get over it, but it is a shame.
Didn't want to put such a damper on your
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:16 PM oh well, half a million dollars lost revenue
hurts, but like i said we didnt anticipate it
continuing forever anyway and we were just
using all the funds to finance the other
business plans.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:16 PM Yes, I will send you a complete list.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:16 PM It was a good run. [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:17 PM Thanks. And let me know if you can put me in
touch with [deleted]. We will be launching the
guildgate site in less than two months. And
we definitely would need to find out if Funcom
is interested in participating well before the
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:17 PM lol
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:17 PM roflmao
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:17 PM dude i have 50 boxes in the closet
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:17 PM ROFLMAO
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:17 PM :) talk to you later.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:18 PM K, will send you that info tomorrow.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:18 PM actually want to hear something comical
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:18 PM sure.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:19 PM valued at the current market price, and
assuming the current state of depriciation of
vapor ware(took awhile to figure out these
algorithms on a spreadsheet) the value of our
DAOC inventory is in excess of 7 million US
dollars. Our AO inventory likewise was less
than 3 million :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:20 PM Yup, I am definitly in the wrong line of work.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:20 PM Watch the game news sites. In 14 days you
will a big splash about us :)....inside scoop
ok :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:20 PM roflmao
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:20 PM Inside scoop, awww comeon... share some more
details than that.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:21 PM hehe in the words of a famous president.
wouldnt be prudent, not at this juncture,
hehehe, we definitely dont want mythic to get
a heads up :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:21 PM And then Verant is next wooooohoooooo
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:21 PM Hey wanna put your old competetion out of
business for a while. Feel free to tell me
how you got those packs to stack and dupe
those items... ;-) (cant blame me for
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:22 PM LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:22 PM LOL, Well it is only 14 days, I can wait.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:22 PM for all i know you have a deal going with my
competition, roflmao, dont worry, none of my
competition knows how to stack.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:22 PM i will tell you the night before ok :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:23 PM I was totally impressed by the 50K stack I
came across, what was that tank armors?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:23 PM Then all the burst of speed stims... So was
that dupe that easy to accomplish?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:24 PM shit man, i dont remember, we have so much
stuff i cant remember it all, we have whole
spreadsheet just to keep track of passwords
and accounts. much less all the items. We
were actually in the process of organizing
when you ran across us. That is why we were
running the characters to level 25 so that we
could let them fly around and meet so we could
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:24 PM I give you guys credit thus far for having the
most exploited inventories to date.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:24 PM Which dupe? There are three now, found one
last night.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:24 PM :) What was the boosted stims? we didnt
have anything like that?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:25 PM Sorry Burst of Speed sims
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:25 PM ahhhh you must have andy's account. i dont
know what he had.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:25 PM lol
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:25 PM hmmm dont know what those are for, dont think
they were ours.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:25 PM three, oh great. Just what I didn't need to
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:26 PM that is a competitor that came over to meet us
at one point
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:26 PM hehe just go on ebay and buy them from us
tommorrow, we will be putting them up, lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:26 PM ALright so tell me at least this does the
stack dupe invole those no QL bags?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:27 PM ROFLMAO, what is the starting bid?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:27 PM tsk tsk tsk, not a chance i will tell you :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:27 PM Drat.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:28 PM Cant bame you, Was talking with Henning and
we couldn't come up with anything to offer you
that we felt we could actually give you (like
those characters back) to entice you to offer
those exploits.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:28 PM we will start it at 500.00 with bins. WE will
probably sell about 10-15 in the first couple
days. But then one of those people will
typically tell friends and within days it will
be on the boards and then we get no more sales
from that dupe, then we wait for you guys to
fix it and start with the next one. Very
shitty way to make money off of a dupe. Trust
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:29 PM hehe, well let me meet with him and pitch my
business plan, maybe i will give them for
free, lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:29 PM Too true. You have the business plan drafted
in a formal document?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:29 PM The bastard PKCOOLPK would always do it that
way, and i guess it was probably because you
guys were busting him, lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:29 PM Humm, that name sounds familiar.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:30 PM Well all the stuff is on a VPN, but could be
placed in a business plan format within a day
or two.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:30 PM Whistles innocently.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:31 PM SO you have any character name I could look
into from your old competetion?
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:31 PM hehehe. now he buys from us to get the credits
so he can get the items to dupe them for sale.
Thats a modest market but one we never
dabbled in. Takes away a lot of the fun for
the players when they buy the items themselves
on ebay. They mostly prefer to buy the
currency then do all the shopping themselves.
But recently we have put such a stranglehold
on the credits that it has been profitable for
guys like that to do that market.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:31 PM Damn 7 mil.... Sheesh.
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:32 PM Sorry still thinking about the earning
potentil for switching sides.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:32 PM 7 mil? oh the daoc stuff, lol.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:33 PM hehe well you could theoretically double your
current salary, although that is simply
fanciful speculation :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:33 PM Oh well, my intent is to start my own company
in the not too distant future.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:34 PM :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:34 PM Alrighty, back to scripting for me. I'll drop
you a line tomorrow.
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:35 PM okies thanks
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:35 PM Anything to help. (within reason)
[Lee] 1/30/200 12:58 PM you blocked all of our accounts?
[Adam] 1/30/200 12:59 PM Nope. THe lead of the exploit team block 4 of
the remaining 6. I beleive [deleted]
Are still available.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:00 PM Funny though you should see her trying to
figuere out how you guys did what you did. As
a matter of fact, I' looking at the [deleted]
account right now trying to figure it out.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:01 PM Interesting stack which the system thinks is
the same unique item as another stack.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:01 PM well [deleted] you better release cause that is a
regular customer, but that is up to you guys,
i am sure you can see that that account is
accessed from a different ip and has nothing
wrong on it. We havent had control of that
account for over 4 months
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:01 PM [deleted] isn't blocked according to my logs.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:02 PM ok, cool. i didnt want to hear her crying
that i screwed her over. :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:02 PM I will double check on that though.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:03 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] Now you've got
thinking about those other two item dupes.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:03 PM I need to write a new binary list parser.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:03 PM nope you shouldnt spend anymore time
researching it :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:04 PM Yep you do :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:04 PM LOL
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:06 PM Argggh this is far too damn frustrating. But
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:16 PM Damn nice stacks of 30K symbio-graft:armor
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:17 PM You guys definitly had this down to a science.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:20 PM SO when this is all said and done am I gunna
look back at this and laugh?
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:21 PM dont know, perhaps. depending on how bad it
gets, you may cry. You dont think i have told
you everything do you?
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:21 PM Nope, I think you only told me what you didn't
care that I knew about. ;-)
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:22 PM although i am interested in the stacks of
speed stims. Cant imagine what those were
for, any ideas on that one?
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:22 PM Unfortunatly this type of exploit could
seriously fuck this game over.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:22 PM hehe we should play chess, or poker perhaps, i
think we would both find it a good challenge.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:22 PM Nope still trying to figue that one.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:23 PM I'm up for chess, my poker face needs some
work. ;-)
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:23 PM lol, it sure could have, had we intended it.
Luckily it got into the hands of people that
dont want to fuck the game over....yet
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:23 PM hehe mines so ugly you dont want to study it
to see what i got, roflmao
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:23 PM Now don't do that, I'm not all too keen on
looking for a new job just yet.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:23 PM LOL
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:24 PM That's ok you should see me eyeing everyone at
the bank terminal suspiciously now.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:24 PM I'm not accustomed to seeing people camping
the bank terminals.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:26 PM Man I was much happier before I actually took
a look at your character's inventoriy data
sets. Ignorence truly is bliss.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:30 PM My only guess on the burst of speed stims is
for credits. I keep running across them on
differnet accounts for you guys.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:35 PM ALrighty hows about a little hint here, so I
can get some sleep tonight.. Is this dupe a
one man operation or does it require two?
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:41 PM release one of my accounts for an hour and i
will tell you.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:42 PM Humm, depending on the account I want the
whole story. I would like to go home and
sleep restfully without thoughts of clicking
backpacks circling in my head.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:44 PM So which account will it be? (I'm thinking
you'll ask for [deleted])
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:44 PM which of the bank dupes do you know about?
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:45 PM hmmmm [deleted] or [deleted] or [deleted]
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:45 PM Me personally, I don't know of any of them.
Like I said I just store the data and monitor
for anomolies.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:46 PM ok let me ask a different way, which of the
bank dupes is funcom aware of, so that i give
you a new one. or is funcom not aware of
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:46 PM I think those are the ones with the majority
of the large stacks of tokens... ;-)
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:46 PM actually if you could i would rather have the
[deleted] account. That is our favorite
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:48 PM no the tokens are on [deleted], forget about
the tokens. we dont care about that one
anymore. and i want my [deleted] acount freed.
So [deleted] and [deleted] and we have a deal. you
free them for an hour and i give you one of
the bank dupes :) you could always log wha
they do right :) lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:49 PM Alrighty, give me a few to look through those
characters before I agree to something that
could get my ass in a sling. As for the bank
dupes that we are aware of, to my knowlegde we
are not aware of any. [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:50 PM Or you could just save me the time and tell me
what is on them that you'd like access to....
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:50 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:50 PM LOL, too true on that one. We are getting
good at fixing one bug and introducing two new
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:51 PM i want the credits off of [deleted], and the
[deleted] account is my personal account. You
can ban all the others for all i care. Give
us the credits and we make a complete deal, i
give you all the expoits, you continue to let
us sell credits. The alternative is not good
for funcom.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:52 PM Too true.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:52 PM Yeah he did have a butt load of credits.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:54 PM see up until now, we have been taking the very
moderate secure route for making money and not
flooding the ao market. If we are allowed to
continue that moderate approach and forego the
other exploits with tokens, then we can still
make a decent some of money, but if we are
backed into a corner, and it appears all money
is going to be taken from us, then we feel no
obligation to be moderate, and will utilize
all the current exploits to flood the market,
at a time when it is fragile to say the least
for funcom and AO
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:55 PM the credits dont hurt the players, credits
have been exploited from day one. The tokens
will unbalance the game especially if we start
selling 1000 token board for 49.00
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:55 PM Now easy on the implied threats. Let's play
nice here.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:55 PM No seriously they are not implied threats at
all, i am not trying to imply a threat. give
me the respect of that. i am talking about
real world economics.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:56 PM i am not threatening. please dont take it
that way.
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:56 PM You've my utmost respect. Hell I'm damn
impressed with what you guys have done and how
you've conducted yourselves.
[Lee] 1/30/200 1:57 PM What i am saying is it bears well for funcom
and us if we continue to do business
moderately as opposed to dumping everything we
have at once because we feel it is all over
for us and we are simply liquidating our
inventory and moving on. Do you see what i am
[Adam] 1/30/200 1:58 PM I can agree with you there.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:00 PM I absolutely promise you, had we been greedy
and unscrupulous, we could have turned more
money in a very short period of time. however
we didnt and we dont want to. But if we are
told that we are no longer allowed to do
business, we will liquidate all our remaining
inventory and move on. But as is normal in
business when inventory is liquidated, it
normally drops the price and i dont think that
would be the best for funcom. It would be the
best business decision for us, simply because
of the circumstances.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:02 PM I am in no way trying to blackmail funcom.
That is illegal and immoral and i am neither.
I am just discussing simple business plans.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:02 PM Still looking into [deleted].
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:03 PM ok.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:03 PM Not too much there other than a no QL pack.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:03 PM I am relatively sure there isnt that much
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:04 PM SO how can I get those dupe exploits from you?
Via email, in addition to here within ICQ?
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:04 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:04 PM yup.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:05 PM Sure i will tell you here and email.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:05 PM I'm assuming the credit dupe is tied to the
item dupes and reslae of items?
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:06 PM to find that out you would need to give me
something. I have given information to you,
and gotten less than i started with, so it is
your turn to give :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:07 PM Getting there. Hey you got your subnet back
and some advice on how to avoid the radar. I
think that ws worth a great deal.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:08 PM once again i will list here all the exploits
we have.
no drop trading
3 item dupes
1 credit exploit
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:08 PM not worth anything when you have all our
inventory and there is nothing we can do
without inventory to start :(
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:10 PM the subnet, is really no biggie, since we have
the satellite and can change entire subnets
easily. Why cant we just work together to
make AO better. Do you really think the dupes
hinder AO's return to greater stature. I
think that is probably about 4th on the list.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:10 PM Alright looking into [deleted] now. THat is
quite a few credits, but I've seen more.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:11 PM I agree with you on the priority. Biggest
thing is stability of patches. And additional
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:12 PM yes its alot of credits but try to remember we
dont flood the market. For instance, we have
insured that the price for credits is actually
on the rise. We have brought the avg price
from less than a dollar in december to over 3
dollars per mill now. and with todays 50 mill
auction, it is over 4.5 per mill. That
indicates that there is more subscribers than
before, and we have been helping a great deal
by offering stuff in ao for trade to get
people to come from UO and Everquest.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:14 PM I think the biggest thing is to let things
remain the same for a period of time, slow
down on the patches, you guys are changing
content so fast that people cant even get used
to the last one before they have to start
figuring out the changes.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:17 PM Alright [deleted] is open.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:17 PM ok i wont log in yet.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:18 PM K
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:18 PM you can watch it, what about [deleted]
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:18 PM Getting it opened in a sec.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:19 PM [deleted] is opened.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:20 PM ok and in return you want all the exploits?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:21 PM That would be the best scinario for Funcom.
If something is going to be damaging to you,
let me know and I can sit on it.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:25 PM You still there?
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:25 PM no actually if i had your word that these two
accounts would be left alone, we will promise
to stop all exploiting period. We would give
you all the exploits we currently have. and i
would even go so far as to promise to give you
every exploit we come across in the future.
But first you agree to start being honest with
me. And i will start being honest with you.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:26 PM yes, we have 5 guys standing here making this
decision together ok
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:26 PM so bear with us.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:26 PM I've been honest with you 100%.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:26 PM now, you obviously have the power to ban and
reinstate at will, which you said you did not
have previously.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:26 PM Just that there are a few other chefs in the
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:26 PM ahhh not quite 100% :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:27 PM I've got my hinny dangling in the wind right
now. As I said before I can do anything, just
that before I was following proper channels,
right now I am not.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:27 PM and how do i know that the accounts will be
left alone in the future. How do i know you
have the power to protect them and not let an
exploit lead screw us or some other
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:28 PM Tough question. I'm still devising a work
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:29 PM thats a scary proposition.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:29 PM Hey I'm doing the best that I can at the
moment. WOrse case scinario is that I copy
the characters to another account with
different names and identifiers.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:30 PM Call it the witness relocation program.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:30 PM Bes solution I've got at the moment.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:30 PM Best even.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:31 PM so you can copy our entire character and put
it on another account?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:31 PM Yup.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:31 PM with a different name?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:31 PM [deleted, exploit discussion], yup.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:31 PM that is a very big statement. as a matter of
fact everyone in the room just coughed and
went bullshit
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:32 PM can i ask a stupid question then?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:32 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] and I'm running
as sys.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:32 PM Shoot.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:33 PM and i am just curious so please dont take
offense. Why dont you let us pay you
personally 7 thousand dollars a month to leave
us alone and protect us, and we will always
tell you the exploits as they come out and
that is undoubtedly a win win for funcom and
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:34 PM and dont get mad at me for asking, i am just
very confused and getting yelled at right now.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:35 PM SO as for that bullshit the proof is in the
pudding, give me an account. It is a mater of
integrity. Moving what I feel to be non
dangerous characters is one thing. What you
suggesting is a conflict of interest as I am
being paid by Funcom to track down exploits
and protect the integrity of their data.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:36 PM X marine, shit. I suppose.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:36 PM oh so you mean move the characters but not the
items they carry?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:37 PM Everything in life is grey there is no black
or white. No I mean move everything, cause if
you transfer the items they will be logged.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:37 PM *shakes head* *doesnt get it* and tired of
everyone yelling at me with different opinions
right now so i hope you are all reading this
god dammit
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:37 PM lol
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:37 PM yes true it is logged but we have a way of
wiping your logs on transfers.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:37 PM fuck even when i said that they started
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:38 PM ROFL
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:38 PM hmmm, what if i were to hire your brother for
7thousand dollars a month for some small web
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:39 PM Keep the money. If I ever need a job, offer
it to me then.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:39 PM i tend to want to be too dam honest, but as
soon as i say to them to sit down and start
typing they are all like no just do what we
say, lol i cant win here, i am the oldest so
they trust me but then everyone in this room
is screaming something different. If we had a
camera i wish we could tape this, i think you
would laugh your ass off.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:40 PM hehe but if you kill us before then we wont
have it, lol..... although we need a serious
database person for the [deleted] site, we
have a full time sql programmer but he is
running into significant problems. Maybe we
should pay you serious consulting fees to tell
him what he is doing wrong lol.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:41 PM I could assist with database setup issues for
you, thaose aren't a conflict of interest.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:42 PM yes and i am serious about that.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:42 PM As for payment, send me what problems your
having, and if I think I can help we can
discuss a value for my assistance.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:44 PM K now back to these characters. We could just
do it your way if your confident on your log
wipe transfer method. Those characters are
currently still open.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:48 PM ok, we can talk about this in the future.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:49 PM True. send emails for this to
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:49 PM SO you want those characters ported to another
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:50 PM or you could copy the characters to a new set
of accounts with new names, but still all the
same items, correct?
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:50 PM it's a bitch of a manual process, but doable.
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:51 PM yes do you need the accounts created by us or
you can do it.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:51 PM Yes that is correct, you create two accounts
with two dummie characters (name them what you
want) and let me know the name of the
characters you want these characters ported
[Lee] 1/30/200 2:52 PM ok give me a minute everyone is shouting at
the same time, thhis isis crzy
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:52 PM [deleted] = ????
[deleted] = ????
[deleted] = ????
[deleted] = ????
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:56 PM Well, just start with one. Make sure
everything works and your happy with the
result then we will go from there.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:56 PM I'm backing these character up now.
[Adam] 1/30/200 2:58 PM Kindly not log in with these characters while
I'm backing them up.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:05 PM Alright, one thing I'm not certain if it will
be transfered is the appartments. Is thia a
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:10 PM Still there?
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:19 PM last I heard from you was... "thhis isis
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:34 PM i am so stressed out right now, please give us
a little time to argue this out amongst
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:37 PM NP, I'm still rummaging around all the goodies
on [deleted].
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:37 PM THat is alot of armor.
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:37 PM sorry about this but it is an extremely tense
time here right now with different opinions on
which way to go
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:38 PM well there are alot of monsters in AO. lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:39 PM the more I look into moving the characters the
more I'm inclined to ask you to just grab the
items off of him. So I can, reban the account.
And the exploit lead can come into take a
looksie see little to nothing then release the
account on the 7th.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:40 PM alot of monsters... Man your funny, in an
intersting sort a way. SO how do you guys
want to proceed. It is 1245 in the morning
here. I'd like to sleep.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:42 PM SO what does a suit of armor go for? Do you
actually sell the item to players or do you
sell then for credits?
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:45 PM the armor stacks are for credits only. There
are alot of full suits of armor that we sell,
but those are on some of the other accounts,
like the [deleted], [deleted], and [deleted]
accounts. those characters are full of small
stacks of armor, like 100 ea or something, in
those cases, outside of ebay, when a customer
wants a set, they contact us directly and we
put together a full set.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:47 PM Ahh.
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:48 PM we also have stacks of rings, computer
equipment and such.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:48 PM Yeah I came across the 6X decks.
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:49 PM everyone has those though, we even stopped
selling those, they go for less than 25
dollars now, and 25 dollars is the minimum for
our deliveries.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:50 PM SO how goes the debate?
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:52 PM the entire debate is over wether your telling
us the truth. and how to protect ourselves if
your not :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:53 PM Interesting debate, what can I do to help put
your minds at ease?
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:54 PM hmmm good question, and the very one we are
trying to figure out, i know your trying to go
to bed working as fast as we can.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:55 PM Biggest problem I see here is yu guys have to
keep a low profile. Otherwise it wont matter
what I try to do.
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:55 PM the debate comes into play here. if your so
committed to funcom, there would be no reason
to protect us after we give you the info.
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:55 PM i agree.
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:55 PM Yeah, but there is that damn honor thing for
me on a personal level....
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:56 PM :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:58 PM If I were you I'd be more concerned about
avoiding detection from the Exploit lead.
Good thing for you she uses my tools.
Although there are other tools that were in
place before I arrived.[deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 3:59 PM yes we have a technique developed for the
[Adam] 1/30/200 3:59 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] the
processing power to run that puppy will prob
force us to not be able to run it.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:00 PM You have any idea how many items we are
tracking? It boggles the mind and make the
poor puter go ugh.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:02 PM I've been redesigning the inventory storage
system. When I'm done, you shouldn't be
capable of duping anything.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:03 PM Until then I get to curse the name of the
programmer who developed the current system.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:04 PM hehe ok and will we be able to still use our
regular ips or is that a bad thing as well, we
cna use the satellite, but the ping is
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:04 PM ok looks like we are reaching a concensus.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:05 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:06 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:07 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:07 PM Just trying to give you some insights.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:07 PM ok here goes. can you still make the copies
for us.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:07 PM got it.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:08 PM Yes, but the only problem that leaves is the
emplty hole where I snatched the character
from that I have to explain.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:09 PM ok, going to create some characters.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:09 PM so we can transfer the items to them,
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:10 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] In short if I
can hand over
these exploits, aint noone gunna ask what was
done to get em.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:10 PM Well cept the exploit lead she is tennacious.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:12 PM ok
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:13 PM You able to generate those under a diff credit
card than the five you currently use.. If so
do that.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:13 PM is the name on the cc important, we have diffs
but the names will be the same
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:14 PM Unless, I am mistaken the cc info doesn't
validate the name. It should but I dont think
it does.. Try an abbreviated name.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:15 PM did just that :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:20 PM ok just to let you know i am in the [deleted]
account now, ok
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:20 PM I see.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:20 PM holy shit thats you
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:20 PM Yup.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:21 PM scared the shit out of me
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:21 PM Dont talk directly to me or anyone else while
logged in with these characters.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:21 PM Use ICQ
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:22 PM dude i want a hat like that lol
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:22 PM LOL, Sentinel armor....
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:24 PM Grrr, damn coders changed it so I cant even
use the rest of the armor suit.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:24 PM thats crazy, wow
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:24 PM How you like the construction sign on this
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:25 PM mace says that is hilarious
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:26 PM ok i have to log out of this char, is the
other one here?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:26 PM lol which part?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:26 PM not sure.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:26 PM he was laughing at the construction sign.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:26 PM lol
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:26 PM i have to come back to this account in a
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:27 PM K
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:27 PM loggin in with [deleted] now
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:27 PM K i'll be right there.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:28 PM ok i have to bring him to meet this character
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:28 PM K
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:29 PM Good luck getting that character here.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:29 PM hehe
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:30 PM am i am in rk2?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:30 PM old Athens
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:31 PM yes but it is so empty right now, should be
more people on right now
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:32 PM ok going back into [deleted]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:32 PM K
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:34 PM hmmm they deleted the tokens off of jubbee
huh? [deleted]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:34 PM SHouldn't have. THey might have moved them
around trying to dupe things.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:35 PM lol i might as well tell you now, there is no
dupe with the no ql bags :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:37 PM ok we will have to zone a couple times here ok
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:37 PM K
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:37 PM Thank god, I was gunna go blind trying
different combinations hoping to stumble
across it.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:39 PM hmmm did you fix the no ql bags, it just
deleted the items when we zoned instead of
transferring them?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:39 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] She is on a serious
rampae against all
with stacks of equipment.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:39 PM The fix shouldn't be in until 13.6.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:40 PM [deleted, exploit discussion], but there are
no tokens
here. Can i get access to the [deleted]
account for a few mins?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:40 PM Now now there were tokens on the Xan account
just only one faction.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:42 PM i know, cmon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:42 PM Double check with
[deleted]. Check all the packs. I am certain I
saw some there a few min ago.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:44 PM there should definitely have been about 30k of
each side on [deleted], but they are all gone :(
[deleted] only had about 4 stacks of 350 or so
and they were only clan.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:44 PM You're gunna get me fired.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:45 PM I never saw that many on [deleted]. And we
aren't allowed to delete items off characters.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:45 PM you are omnipotent remember how did you like
the name on this account btw the new one that
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:45 PM [deleted]...
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:46 PM i promise you, they were there :) but 1200
doesnt help us much.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:46 PM no the name on the account, can you see that?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:46 PM Yes but I have to query that. I thought you
said you weren't interested in tokens.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:48 PM well we want some for our customers that we
have to rebuild the accounts for, remember the
ones that you cant give back.?
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:48 PM just two thousand of each would suffice
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:48 PM semperfi LOL
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:49 PM he hehee going to rk2 now
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:49 PM K
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:50 PM be honest, you never thought to look there did
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:51 PM [deleted, exploit discussion] Unless you totally lost me.
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:52 PM Although exploits exist on both so we find
them of rk1 and patch them on both.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:52 PM hehe we dont either, lol. Will that server
eventually be shut down?
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:53 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:53 PM We are considering shutting it down. Hell
we've the hardware for a third, just never
stood it up.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:53 PM and some of the items, namely older items,
wont dupe either, very strange indeed
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:53 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:54 PM ahhhhh
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:54 PM It is the legacy items that are causing most
of the pain in the arse.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:54 PM legacy items?
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:55 PM items that still exist from launch that have
never been replaced.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:55 PM so will you pretty please let me have
[deleted] for a few :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:55 PM there are actually a few instances of test
items that are floating around out there.
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:55 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:56 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:58 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:59 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 4:59 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 4:59 PM Ouch.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:01 PM behave in there.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:02 PM sure is an awful lotta clickin going on there.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:04 PM trying to find the two biggest stacks, just
going to take 2 stacks of each ok.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:05 PM ok done
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:06 PM do you get those people everytime you go in?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:06 PM K rebanned.
Yes unfortunatly.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:06 PM lol, you must hate going in game, lol
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:06 PM and of course you have to be nice to everyone
of them
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:07 PM Like a friggin passion, but I can look like
just about anything.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:07 PM ahhhh, ok what do you want first dupe or
credit exploit :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:08 PM Dupe.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:08 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]*
wonders if the hammer of adam will fall
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:08 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:09 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:09 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:14 PM our main database guy wants to know if he can
add you to his database to hit up for answers
to db questions :)
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:15 PM once we create the additional accounts and
move the stuff, can you delete the char so
there is no trace, in case our method doesnt
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:15 PM Sure thing. I am mostly [Lee], Sybase, and
SQL Server proficient. I'm avoiding MySQL
but am having to work with it here as well as
our main system.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:15 PM the [deleted] char is the one i am referring to
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:16 PM Yes. I'd planned to stage a logging balckout
on rk1 from about 1 until 3 am here.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:16 PM what time is it there
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:16 PM 2:15
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:17 PM shit talk to you in abit or tommorrow if you
have to go.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:17 PM Nope I already missed the last train home.
I'm sleeping here tonight.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:18 PM ???? at the office?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:18 PM you still have too much military left in you,
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:18 PM Yup, weve futons, cots, showers, cafateria.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:19 PM SO you hear what the new boss mob is yet?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:19 PM do you track accounts that have logged into a
particular client on a particular computer?
Not via IP tracking but does the client track
and send the data to you guys?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:19 PM no what is the new mob is?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:20 PM Cant disclose that, just wanted to know if it
leaked out yet.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:20 PM No we are not allowed to gather data like that
it is illegal.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:20 PM no, but have you seen Mythics new dragons for
their new zones, they look damn good
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:21 PM LOL, wait till you see the new mob, then tell
me what you think of Mythics.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:22 PM hehe okies, will do. so the blackout is in
effect right now?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:22 PM You'll need level 150 characters to get to it
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:22 PM Aye.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:22 PM oh dammmmnnnn so you are going to take care of
the high level characters.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:22 PM SO can I geto those exploits in an email
tomorrow as well?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:23 PM yes. do you want me to start telling you them
right now?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:23 PM You should create a character on test.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:24 PM WOuldn't hurt that way I can see if it is new
or something that I knew about just forgot.
Like the lagg issue. Oh here is one I've been
dying to discover.... How are players able to
bypass the 15 sec PVP grace period?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:25 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:25 PM oh i dont know, we dont pvp. we are strictly
on the economics side of the house :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:25 PM K
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:26 PM SO what gives with the zoning, and the trade?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:28 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:28 PM ????
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:28 PM Would you be willing to login with one of your
characters capable of doing the no drop trade
and letting me gather some data logs while you
perform the actions. Would help to identify
the code modules being called.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:29 PM oh you mean when we were trading with the
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:29 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]......give me a
sec to think
of it
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:30 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:31 PM We can do this at a later date.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:31 PM ok yes i will be happy to do that for you. If
you want to know how the 15sec pvp thing is
happening, i can find out within 2 days. :)
You have made a friend you can use well, trust
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:32 PM Good to know the lack of sleep paid off.
[several entries deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:42 PM SO how did the stacks of 50K get created in
the firstplace?
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:43 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:43 PM Since the first day the game came out :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:43 PM Only gam ei play currently is AC, due to my
frinds still being there. SOmtime EQ but I
hate the downtime, and I've yet to seriously
try DAoC.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:44 PM well actually about 2 weeks or so after that
to be more accurate. Although i think the
stacks of armor were more recent like,
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:44 PM I really need to write the binary list parser.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:45 PM DAOC is an insult to the gamer community,
people just dont see it yet, there will be a
serious, brutal and quick backlash on that
company. AO was treated well in comparison to
what will happen to that company. Oh yeah and
if you need a dupe in AC, let me know we have
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:45 PM hehe, dont know what that is but it sounds bad
for us :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:45 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:46 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:46 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:47 PM we usually dont explore potential dupes until
a previous one goes bad.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:47 PM hmmm you dont like us dupers much huh, hehehe
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:47 PM Na, I am confident that that one is there, the
dual character booting.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:48 PM Na just if you set up a relational database
properly with referential integrity it is
impossible to do some of the things the
players get away with today.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:48 PM ok, and wes is awesome at testing bugs. He is
like borderline genious, but obsessive
compulsive, so a perfect match for finding
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:49 PM I've done work for financial institutions and
if they counted money the way this game counts
they'd of been bankrupt already.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:51 PM I think that was all of them but I cant be
certain, I need sleep. COuld you forward me an
email tomorrow recapping. Also, instructions
for the macro tool would be nice. I still
havn't had time to look at that one yet.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:51 PM And for goodness sake maintain a low profile.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:52 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:52 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:52 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:55 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:56 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:56 PM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:57 PM hehe okies, i promise to stay well under that.
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:57 PM Just remember I'm not the only one who reviews
this stuff the shift GM's review it as well.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:57 PM And you can trust that everyone that we sell
an account to is a new AO subscriber, because
we are pulling them from other games in trade
for their uo or ac or eq accounts.
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:58 PM ok
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:59 PM Ok i am not going to submit a business
proposal on the [deleted] plan until after i
see what happens with mythic. We just got
notice that they were served earlier today.
They have 14 days to respond. So hopefully
they dont respond and we win :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:59 PM 13.6 should address the XP reward for hacking,
and I think the splitting where you end up
with more items than you started with.. It
isalso supposed to address the no QL pack
[Lee] 1/30/200 5:59 PM how will it address the hacking?
[Adam] 1/30/200 5:59 PM Cool, so that was the 14 day info, good luck
on that suit.
[Adam] 1/30/200 6:00 PM Not exactly sure, QA department said it was
supposedly fixed.
[Lee] 1/30/200 6:00 PM ahhh ok. well i guess i will talk to you
tommorrow. :)
[Adam] 1/30/200 6:01 PM K if you become a millionare, hire me for some
outragious amount.
[Adam] 1/30/200 6:01 PM Now I sleep.
[Lee] 1/30/200 6:02 PM that will be a deal.
[Adam] 1/30/200 6:02 PM Woops need to turn logging back on...
[Adam] 1/31/200 5:54 AM I could really use a recap on those
"Advantages" we discussed last night. To
no drop trading (cold use a better explanation
of the bag and having to zone)
3 item dupes
1 credit exploit
speedhack, additionally an writeup of how to
use the macro tool would be nice. Some of
these I think I have enough information on.
However the more data I can enter into the
test cases the better.
[Lee] 1/31/200 10:20 AM ok i will get it out to you via email by the
end of the day. Remember though, there are
only two item dupes and 1 of those is
unrefined, untested if you will. Talk to you
later today.
[Lee] 1/31/200 11:16 AM we cant access [deleted]. has it been banned
or is someone looking at it righ tnow>?
[Lee] 1/31/200 11:41 AM nevermind one of the guys here had it loaded
on their comp
[Adam] 2/4/2002 3:18 AM Sorry to keep nagging; however, could I get
that email we discussed last week?
[Lee] 2/6/2002 1:26 PM Hi, just so you know i havent been ignoring
you, i have just been totally swamped with the
mythic lawsuit. As you can see on the
newsites, it has started. There is a link to
our webpage with the lawsuit, might want to
pass it up your chain there :)
[Adam] 2/7/2002 4:29 AM [deleted, exploit discussion]
[Lee] 2/7/2002 9:40 AM mark jacobs himself called us to settle, jesus
christ that shocked the shit out of us
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:06 AM Sweet, congrats on the victory.
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:07 AM huh?
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:07 AM SOrry, I just got in and got your message
about Jacobs. ;-)
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:07 AM oh well its not a victory yet
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:08 AM talk to andy, he added you to his list. :)
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:08 AM Now, lets just hope we dont piss in your
oatmeal. Ahh, so what were the terms of the
settlement, or are you still in dispute?
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:09 AM we arent allowed to discuss it till its
completed :)
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:09 AM Well, good luck to you.
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:10 AM do you know when they are going to release our
accounts at funcom
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:11 AM february 7th was a few days ago :)
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:11 AM Hum, I thought they sent you an email about
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:11 AM nope
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:13 AM The exploit team lead, squashed my request to
have them freed. DUe to the nature of the
exploits. I've brought this up with [deleted],
proposing that all duped items be deleted then
the accounts returned, but want to discuss
this with you first.
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:13 AM Let me see if I can find the last email from
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:14 AM what do you propose?
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:15 AM Context from exploit team lead:
Hello Adam,
There's no refund at all. Stated in the EULA
under point 6:
" If we terminate this Agreement under these
circumstances, you will lose access to your
for the balance of any prepaid period without
any refund."
You can give me the email of the guys and I'll
contact them regarding
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:16 AM SO, I was under the impression that she had
already contacted you. I'm going to speak
with [deleted], but I can tell you that he wont
release the accounts with the dupped items
still on them. Do you want the accounts, even
without the items?
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:17 AM SOrry, I was out the end of last week, some
sort of stomach virus. SO I wasn't able to
followup on this.
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:21 AM Last I received was "WHat do you propose?"
[Lee] 2/11/200 1:24 AM you said you wanted to talk to us before
talking to henning, so i was asking what do
you propose?
[Adam] 2/11/200 1:54 AM Alright, spoke with Henning. He is standing
behind the exploit leads decission.
Essentially, things were out of my hands after
she took a look at the first character you'd
asked to be returned early. (as I duck and
hide) SO Funcom's official stance is that the
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
ACY> [deleted]
(excuse the ACY> comments) will not be
released, nor will a refund be offered due to
the nature of the breach of terms of
Grrr, got sidetracked with a phone call.
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:08 AM If you could send me an email, I will have
Funcom send you an official statement for your
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:08 AM Sorry, just the address, please.
[Lee] 2/11/200 2:12 AM Thats ok, we are deciding our course of action
at this time.
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:13 AM Understandable.
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:15 AM By the way, just a side note. I wasn't all
too happy with the report from the exploit
lead of all the Tokens she found. I thought
we had an agreement that the tokens were just
for the two customers that you had already cut
deals with. Though from your site it appears
you were still selling the stacks of tokens,
which as we discussed wasn't supposed to be
happening as it was too much of a game
imbalance. Kinda ruffled my feathers, but
then again. Money is money so I can't blame
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:16 AM Just added Andy.
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:17 AM I liken it to doing the Evic pincer quest in
Asheron's Call. IT is being taken out but it
is one hell of an XP exploit.
[Lee] 2/11/200 2:17 AM thanks, he would really like to talk to you
[Adam] 2/11/200 2:17 AM Does he go by Ice, if so that is funny, in
hacker terms.
[Lee] 2/12/200 1:08 AM so are you just going to continually interrupt
our chars
[Lee] 2/12/200 1:09 AM at this point adam. you are really leaving us
no choice in our course of action
[Adam] 2/12/200 1:36 AM Just got back from a meeting, and got a
message from Ice as well. I verified that the
Exploit team [deleted] removed stacks of armor from
[deleted] and Outlook. I warned you last week
that they were logging thse and were going to
be deleting them.
[Adam] 2/12/200 1:47 AM "you are really leaving us no choice in our
course of action"
If I'm not mistaken, you were not supposed to
have removed those stacks of items from the
banned account in the first place. The
understanding I had was that you wanted a
stack of Omni and clan tokens to finish up on
a deal you had for two characters. THis was
the agreement that we had when it came to
access to the character in exchange for the
exploit information. I've done nothing to
date that was against what I agreed to.
However I feel that you have. I am trying to
be as accomodating as possible with you. As
I've stated before it is my opinion that
funcom will not take action against you for
selling items that you have legitimatly earned
through normaly game play with your
characters. However, if you intend to use
dupes and other exploits to further your
cause, actions will be taken in accordance
with the EULA and RoC to include the deletion
of Duped items and banning of accounts for
break of terms of agreement. I do not think
this is unreasonable or unfair.
[Adam] 2/12/200 1:51 AM Again a disclaimer here as I am anticipating
this to come back to bite me in my rear... I
am not an official spokesperson for Funcom.
All communications between the two of has have
been on a strictly personal level.
[Lee] 2/12/200 2:03 AM Ok Adam. We are forced into a corner. We
have seen that by suing mythic we got a very
serious recognition and immediate phone call
and a very nice settlement. As of 1pm PST
we will instruct our attorney, Steven Krongold
of Arter&Hadden, to immediately file a lawsuit
in Federal Court. Since he has the lawsuit
vs. Mythic already done, it will cost us
almost nothing. I am tired of this silly
chess game with you. I think this kind of
publicity will be the worst kind for AO, but
that is a determination for you and your
company to make. And please dont take me for
a bluffing type of person. Ask Mythic if I
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:04 AM I dont think you to be the bluffing type,
although I am questioning your personal
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:05 AM Your call, lesson reaffirmed for me. Never
trust anyone.
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:07 AM SO should I inform Funcom to expect a legal
[Lee] 2/12/200 2:08 AM I care about my business that both you and
mythic seem to take as some kind of sideshow.
We have worked for 2 years to build what we
have, and I will be damned if I will stand by
and watch you lie and decieve me when it comes
to this business. We actually have legal
standing and me and you both know the EULA
will not stand up in court. We shall see.
Good luck to you.
[Lee] 2/12/200 2:08 AM Absolutely. We will proceed no later than 1pm
tommorrow afternoon PST. Good night.
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:08 AM My deepest condolances that things have
degraded to this point.
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:09 AM Best wished to you in your endevors.
[Adam] 2/12/200 2:09 AM :-) wishes that is.